A new view on Father's Day

Father's Day... growing up, it didn't have the greatest of meaning or significance to me at all. If you asked me when father's day was for the first 28yrs of my life (the age before having kids), I honestly wouldn't have been able to tell you - because I just didn't care.

My relationship with my dad wasn't the greatest growing up, and without going into too much detail, it did have a negative impact on my life. Now, there are two sorts of people in life with situations like these... people have moments where they are exposed to situations of gambling, drug or alcohol abuse (or all of the above!) and it can have a damaging affect on certain people. People in life can go in two directions from these experiences: follow the trend of certain role model figures in their life or take it as a life lesson to become a better person from these experiences. Thankfully, I am the latter.

Last year was my first Father's Day and it was special. I'll be honest, it didn't really hit me as much as I thought it would last year, but leading into this Father's Day this year I was truly looking forward to having the kids around and enjoying these sort of moments together. I think my love and absolute devotion to my kids is growing so much each and everyday and that with each year, Father's Day will mean more and more to me.

It may seem stupid, but I want to form such a great relationship with my kids that, in 18yrs time, I can spend an arvo watching the footy and have a rum with the kids and just... catch up on life. Just to have those simple things in life, and to be thankful for them. I think that is what most dads aspire to having with their kids in life, and just parents in general - a strong relationship with your kids as they grow and develop. Things may not end up that way, for whatever reason, but I'm going to try my best to show my love and support for my immediate family. It is important to me to be there for my family, and especially my kids.

Also, if anyone is interested... the relationship with my dad has improved in recent years. For whatever reason, things happen that we can't change. We learn from these experiences, and grow as people. This is one of those experiences.

Happy Father's Day to all the fathers out there! We may get shafted a lot of the time, but the love a father has for their children is unmistakable.
