Don't give up your social life

Last night I was fortunate enough to score a ticket to the footy to see the Cats v Tigers (what a win by the Tigers btw!). It actually made me realise how nights like this away from the kids are so important to your sanity when you have kids.

At the moment, my partner and I are doing our best to keep a relatively active social life whilst also paying off a mortgage, supporting two kids and saving up for our wedding in 6 months - so cash isn't always accessible, but we make do!

So, in the last month we've had Cassie's birthday party at home where we had friends over for a dinner party with drinks. We put the kids to sleep, while mum and dad relaxed with friends - with absolutely no issues! The following week Cassie went out with friends for a winery tour and I was left to manage the two monkeys, last week we took our 3 month old, Fletcher, with us to a house warming, which was full of alcohol and loud noises. Luxury is, you just put your kid in a porta-cot and she'll be right! The problem I find though is that a lot of parents 'back in the day' did this and we all turned out alright (to an extent ;) )

I feel that some people feel that as soon as you have kids or are thinking about having kids your social life is over. That's not the case! Yes, this morning I woke up hung over, and had two kids screaming to be feed - but you gotta take the good with the bad.

Final thoughts? You don't wanna be one of those parents who is always stuck at home and never sees your friends, and if this is you currently then that's fine... but maybe try to make it your endeavour to try and allow time to yourself whether that is simply going to the cafe'  for a quiet coffee or a girls weekend away. The end result is a much saner you, and this in return reflects more positive of your children.

So, never feel guilty if you have a night away from the kids, take them to a house warming or leave the kids with your other half... we deserve it every so often.


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